
"Yeah, once a year I call a guy to get rid of the bugs in my house. I've got to protect my kids from ants and cockroaches."


Insects in the home and places of business are not ideal. They can spread bacteria and eat our stored food supplies.

In fact, man has been killing insects in our living spaces since we first occupied caves and huts.

However, the long-term exposure to pesticides and bug sprays is very likely far more hazardous to you and your children, versus finding the occasional bug in your home.

After all, if the chemical we are spraying can KILL a hardy insect in only trace amounts, what might it be doing to the human body at the cellular level?

Triggering cancers? Yes, you bet !

Insects are also a natural part of our ecosystems, and the indiscriminate use of chemicals to kill them can harm the very structure of our biosphere.

For example, spraying poisons around our buildings and landscaping is having a very disastrous effect on our local bee populations. If you think life with a few bugs in your kitchen is bad, what do you think will happen if we lose the very mechanism for our global food production ?