My Boss is Watching

"I would get involved, but I'm worried about what my boss will think. I could get fired!"


Yes, this is a common concern among modern working professionals. Many people want to get involved, but are afraid to do so.

This is part of the reason why we find ourselves in this rather perilous situation.  Since Global Energy companies have a stranglehold on much of the rest of the corporate world, and in many cases control a significant percentage of the Boards of Directors, as it were, many people do not feel safe taking action for fear of professional repercussions.

However, ask yourself this question: If your boss asked you to slowly poison your spouse and your children — and create hazardous living conditions for them such that their future was in jeopardy, and they would likely live in misery and difficulty — would you follow those orders?

Time and time again, throughout history, mankind has only affected REAL change for the better when it has spoken out against the powerful hegemony and their apologists.

If after all this, you are still worried, then find your proverbial voice using a pseudonym or stay anonymous when signing up to our site, or others like it.

But, by all means, DO get involved and join the fight — we need your help to provide a clean and safe future for our children and grandchildren.