Not in My Back Yard

"Sure, put in wind turbines, just not where I can see 'em. I want to preserve my view."


Before making this rather absurd statement, there are two important factors to consider:

  1. How can your dislike of the appearance of a technology in your field of view possibly outrank your concern for your own physical health, disease prevention, and the long-term well being of you, and your children and grand-children ?  The first concern is merely about tolerating a change of view, the second is comparing a healthy life vs disease, misery & death. 
  2. Someone, somewhere, has to stare at ugly coal- and natural gas-fired power plants spewing massive quantities of pollution and greenhouse gases. All of us consume power, so why shouldn’t we have to look at the generating source? In fact, perhaps, if we did, that would make us all consume less and think about energy in a more holistic way?