Street-legal Commuter Rockets!

"No way I'm gonna be seen on that thing, scooters are for kids!"


Sure, that used to be true a few years ago — see first reference article below — but times have changed.

Have you had a chance to test drive the latest in personal mobility / scooter technology from China, South Korea & Southern California?

These are well-engineered, 4th-generation, electric pocket rockets, with mind-blowing acceleration, top speeds of 50+ mph (80 kmh) and up to a 120 km (75 mile) commuting range.

So, now you can leave the car at home on your daily commute, reduce air / noise pollution and traffic congestion in your city and get to work on pennies of electricity per day.

In short, you can have a blast commuting on these street-legal road-demons, while doing your part to protect the planet, all in one vehicle.

Yeah, really cool, bro’ !