The Finite Atmosphere

"The world is HUGE, what possible difference could my ONE truck make to our air ? "


Ask yourself: Why are we no longer allowed to smoke cigarettes around other people in a confined space, or idle our car endlessly while waiting to pick up the kids at school?

That’s right, because tobacco smoke and diesel / gasoline exhaust is very hazardous to human health.

Well, in truth, the Earth’s atmosphere is essentially a confined / limited space too — a large one, but nonetheless still confined — unless of course we believe we can easily replace or recycle our atmosphere once this one gets too polluted.

One car or truck emitting exhaust may not seem like much on its own, however, multiply your one vehicle by 1.55 BILLION, and you quickly start polluting the thin veneer of air we all must breathe to survive.

Over the next few decades, a few Billionaires might escape to Mars — or build some form of Elysium — but, unless that’s you, your kids and mine are staying here and breathing this air for generations to come.

Surely we should just stop burning coal, oil & gas, and stop spraying chemicals into the air we rely on for our very survival — isn’t that just common sense ?

Especially when you consider we have very cost effective alternatives.